
New Council Member
At Thursday evening's council meeting, Mayor Tina Houk swore in newly appointed council member, Brent McDaniel, to serve in a vacant position on village council.
Mr. McDaniel will serve in his appointed position on council until he can be duly elected in the 2023 election.

2022 Primary Election
The 2022 primary elections in the Perry Twp. area will be held at the Fayetteville-Perry Middle School gymnasium.
Please use the designated parking area located in the center parking lot of the school campus, then enter the building through the adjacent breezeway located between the gynmasium and m...

Happy Easter
Happy Easter from the Village of Fayetteville!
We hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend. Keep in mind that our police department is holding a village wide easter egg hunt tomorrow!
Eggs will be hidden around town with hints as to their whereabouts on the departement Facebook page! Enjoy and ha...
Fayetteville Police Department is Hiring

New Local Business - SheBrews Coffee
We are excited to announce that the village has a brand new local coffee shop that's opened up. SheBrews Coffee is located in the Creekwood Centre and offers an array of specialty drinks and foods. Whether you need that pick me up for the morning rush or a nice afternoon treat, they've got you cover...

Knights of Columbus Pork Tenderloin Dinner
You're formally invited to join us for the evening of Saturday, March 5, 2022, as the Knights of Columbus host their Pork Tenderloin Dinner. This will be located at the Daly Hall at St. Angela Merici Church from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. All proceeds will be used for the improvement project of Fayetteville-...

New Website Coming Soon
We are in the process of unveiling a redesigned website. To comply with federal and other mandates, several key aspects of the site had to be changed. Along with the required changes, the redesign will also include several aesthetic updates and improvements. One major update is the implementation of...

Santa Sleigh
Tonight was when the Fayetteville Santa Sleigh came through town. Several families of the community received an early visit and numerous gifts from Santa himself, who was given a VIP escort by your very own Fayetteville Fire & EMS, as well as our own officers. This was all made part by the Fill (San...

December Council Meeting
The December council meeting has been postponed until Monday, Dec. 13th at 7:00pm.

December Mayor's Court
December Mayor's Court will be held on Thursday, Dec. 9th at 7:00pm.